Dr. Juan I. Barrios A. MD M.Sc. Data Scientist.
Healthcare Technology Expert and Information Systems Consultant.
Expert in advanced data analytics and a passionate enthusiast of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare
Big DATA, AI and Health Information Systems
? Barcelona, 08029 .
Universidad AH. Madrid, España Máster en Inteligencia Artificial en salud. 2023- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - Máster en Big Data y Ciencia de Datos 2018-2021 IEBS Barcelone , Master´s degree in Business Intelligence and IT consulting, 2016-2017 Pan American Health Organization, Health Information Systems advisor 1987-1994 Escuela Autónoma de Ciencias Médicas, Bachiller, Licenciado y Doctor en médicinay cirugía. CR:1980-1985
PREVIOUS Science, Technology and Telecommunications Ministry, Costa Rica. E-Government and Cybersecurity team leader 2014-2015. Casa Presidencial , Costa Rica, CTO. IT Government Projects. 2010-2014 Costa Rica Foundation for Sustainable Development, Costa Rica, Executive Director. LINCOS Project Manager. 1998-2010
CURRENT Universitat de Barcelona, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Advanced data analitycs . Big Data and Machine Learning. Visiting Profesor. 2015-(Current) Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Visiting researcher 2016 Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos de Costa Rica, IT consultant, 1998-(Current) Col.legi de Metges de Barcelona ( Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Barcelona ) 2017-
Profesional Experience
Universitat de Barcelona / Hospital Clinic – Barcelona
Visiting Professor
June 2015 – Present. Universidad de Barcelona. Physics department. Biomedical Engineering Master´s Degree Focus áreas: Big Data and Machine Learning for advanced data analytics in healthcareMobile World Capital Barcelona
Visiting Researcher
2016-2017 . Barcelona Area, SpainColegio de Medicos y Cirujanos de Costa Rica
ICT Project´s main advisor
1998 – PresentCasa Presidencial, Costa Rica
Information Technology Chief Officer / IT president´s advisor
May 2010 – April 2014 IT Planning Team leadership Social Media Telecommunications Networking IT Countrywide planning Datacenters Cloud computing Country Medical recordssmscelular.com
2006 – 2010 Entrepreneurship focused on developing SMS technologiesCentral America Autonomous University, UACA, Medicine School
Medical Informatics Professor
May 2009 – May 2010 Development of basic skills in Informatics for Medicine students Development of the first e-learning infrastructure for Medical Informatics.Costa Rica Foundation for Sustainable Development
Executive Director, LINCOS Project Director, Board of Directors , Advisor
August 1998 – Present. Costa Rica Empowering sustainable technologies for the undeveloped worldUniversity of Costa Rica
PROSIC: Program for Information knowledge society, Associate researcher for the evaluation of Government IT projects
University of Rochester Medical Center
Preventive Medicine. Faculty member ( for the Medical Informatics degree)
January 2002 – Actual Adjunct Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the School of Medicine and Dentistry, effective December 1, 2019 Telemedicine Tele Health Medical Informatics Master level trainingMinisterio de Salud de Costa Rica
CTO National Health Information Systems Manager
May 1994 – May 1998 (4 years )San José, Costa Rica Countrywide policy making for health statistics Contrywide health statistics managing for health services and communicable disease Health information technology systems manager Health informaticsCosta Rica’s Government
IT senior advisor
May 1994 – May 1998 (4 years, ) Digital policy making support Promote the use and take advantage of Information technologies in the public sector To coonect and promote the first Internet connections for public institutions Telemedicine project design and management.Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica
Primary Health Care, Chief Information Officer
January 1985 – Apr 1990 (5 years 4 months)San José, Costa Rica Primary Health care information gather, process and data analyze Technology Plataform migrationVOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE & CAUSES
Causes Biografía- Juan Ignacio Barrios A.
Science and Technology